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Testing Tools Training

A Software Testing Tools course is essential for individuals aspiring to become proficient in quality assurance and testing. This training program covers a range of popular testing tools and methodologies used in the software industry. Participants learn to create test cases, execute tests, and report defects effectively, ensuring software reliability and quality. It is also used to verify that the software application meets the requirements and specifications. Manual testing is an important part of the software development process and is used to ensure that the software application is of high quality.

Why Chose Flair Technologies for Testing Tools - Java Selenium Training?

Industry Standard Curriculum

Every technology syllabus is tailored to meet current industry requirements.

Flexible Schedules

If you feel NOW is the right time, we got your schedule covered, Flexible schedules.

Placement Assistance

Along with course completion certificate, we assure you with guaranteed placement.


About Testing Tools - Java Selenium:

Manual Testing training and Certification Courses are designed to help professionals learn the fundamentals of software testing and gain the skills necessary to become a successful manual tester. These courses cover topics such as test planning, test design, test execution, defect management, and automation. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in manual testing.

Testing Tools - Java Selenium Course Outline:

  • Java Introduction
  • SOP, Variable, Datatypes
  • Operators
  • Type_Casting
  • Class, Object, Method_Types
  • Static_Keyword
  • Types of Variables
  • Access Modifiers
  • Main method
  • Swapping of two number
Conditional Statements:
  • If Condition
  • If-Else Statements
  • If Else-If Ladder
  • Switch Statement
  • Nested If Statements
Looping Statements:
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do-While Loop
  • For-Each Loop
OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming Concepts):
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Interface
Java Collections
  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • HashMap
  • LinkedHashMap
Other Important Topics:
  • Strings
  • Arrays
  • Constructor
  • This, Super Keywords
  • Final, Finally, Finalize Keywords
  • Wrapper Classes
  • File Handling
  • Exception Handling
Selenium WebDriver:
  • Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
    • WebDriver and Different Browsers
    • Selenium WebDriver Architecture
    • Basic WebDriver Methods
  • Locators
    • XPath
    • CSS Selector
  • Browser Control
    • Maximizing, Closing, and Quitting Browsers
    • Browser Navigation Commands
  • Working with Elements
    • Handling Text Boxes
    • Working with Checkboxes
    • Radio Buttons
    • Links and Hyperlinks
    • Dropdowns
    • Working with Real-Time Scenarios
  • Advanced WebDriver Topics
    • Getting Attributes of Web Elements
    • Handling Frames
    • Mouse Actions (Mouse Hover, Context Click, Tooltips)
    • Drag and Drop
    • Resizing and Moving Web Elements
  • Handling Alerts and Popups
    • Alerts and Popups Handling
    • Synchronization in WebDriver
    • Handling Multiple Browser Windows
  • Working with Web Tables
    • Handling Web Tables
    • Date Picker in Selenium
  • Other WebDriver Features
    • Taking Screenshots
    • Using AutoIT
    • Using Robot Class
    • Sikuli Integration
    • JavaScript Execution
    • Database Testing with Selenium
    • Firefox Profile Configuration
    • Handling SSL Untrusted Certificates
    • Working with Cookies
Automation Frameworks:
  • Frame work Introduction
  • Datadriven Frame work
  • Key word driven Framework
  • Page Object Model
  • TestNG(POM)
  • Hybrid Framework
  • Maven
  • Jenkins Integration
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber

Remember that this is a detailed outline and can be adjusted based on the duration of the course, the depth of coverage desired for each topic, and the level of expertise of the participants. Additionally, as technology evolves, new tools and practices might emerge, so it’s essential to keep the course content up-to-date to reflect the latest trends and best practices.

Can You Get a Job with Testing ?

Do you enjoy problem-solving and critically thinking? If so, software testing might be the career for you. Software testers are skilled professionals in automated and manual testing who ensure that software products meet the specifications of a client, in terms of functionality. If you’re wondering how to get a job in software testing, this guide has got you covered. In it, we will detail all of the software testing skills that you should acquire, the highest-paying software testing jobs you should consider, and the various ways routes you can take to land a job in software testing. We also outline some of the best places to look for job openings, as well as how to prepare for your interviews once you start applying.

Learning Objectives

Master Testing Tools with the expert-led training with real-life projects.

Get hands-on experience with 20+ industry related cases studies.

Mock exam and interviews.

Mentors from Top Global Product companies.

Guaranteed job support for freshers and professionals to start a great career in testing technologies.

Get authorized and industry-recognized Testing tools certification after course completion.

A Portfolio of Real-world Projects.

Course Features:

Course Duration - 70 Hours

Levels - All Levels

Language - English

1000+ Students

Full lifetime access

Job Assistance

Mentor Support

Who can Take this Course ?

Choose The Best

College Students those are interested to pursue their career as a Test Engineer can take this program. This Program will help you get hired with attractive salary package after completing your college. This is the right time for you to utilize & learn as many skills that will help you in hiring as well as to get attractive salary.

This program will help you switch from your current domain to a Testing. We had seen a huge number of working professional took this program & got amazing hikes, switched from boring jobs to a Testing & even got 100% hike from their current salary.

Choose The Best
Benefits of Flair Technologies

100% Placement Support

Weekdays/Weekend LIVE classes

One-on-One with Mentors

Free Demo Classes

Industry Oriented Projects

Instructors are from MNC’s

Lab Sessions

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Designed by Industry experts

Recognized certification

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