Flair Technologies

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Web Development Training

A Web Development course is a comprehensive program that equips participants with the skills and knowledge to design, build, and maintain websites and web applications. Students learn programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to create interactive and responsive web solutions. The curriculum often includes topics such as database integration, server-side scripting, and web security.

Why Chose Flair Technologies for Web Development Training?

Industry Standard Curriculum

Every technology syllabus is tailored to meet current industry requirements.

Flexible Schedules

If you feel NOW is the right time, we got your schedule covered, Flexible schedules.

Placement Assistance

Along with course completion certificate, we assure you with guaranteed placement.


About Web Development

Web Development Essentials certification training is designed to equip participants with foundational knowledge and skills in web development. This includes proficiency in converting digital art from design tools and creating a responsive and adaptable web presence. Learners gain expertise in using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to control web app aesthetics and functionality, as well as manage databases. Concepts like UI/UX design, front-end and back-end development, and use of frameworks like Bootstrap are also covered, enabling a comprehensive understanding of web development.

Web Development Course Ouline:

HTML 4 & Older Versions:
  • HTML Fundamentals Introduction
  • Headings
  • Tags and Types
  • Elements and Types
  • Diff b/w inline and block
  • White spaces
  • lists and types
  • Tables and Examples
  • Formatting Tables
  • Spanning Columns and Rows
  • Nested Elements
  • Links & different ways of linking
  • Images, absolute and relative paths
HTML Forms Fundamentals:
  • Basics of forms
  • Form Attributes
  • Form Elements/inputs and usage
HTML 5 & Overview:
  • Introduction To HTML5
  • Limitations of HTML4 and older versions
  • Overview and benefits of HTML5
  • Importance of Doctype
  • Details of new features of HTML 5
  • Overview of semantic elements
  • Page layout and structure
  • Benefits of semantic elements
  • Header & Footer
  • Section and Articles
  • Aside & Nav
Form Elements & Attributes:
  • New Input Elements
  • New Elements in Forms
  • New Attributes in Form Elements
CSS2 & CSS3:
  • Introduction To CSS3
  • Ways to apply CSS
  • Selectors & Examples
    • Global Selectors
    • Tag/Element Selectors
    • Class Selectors
    • ID Selectors
    • Attribute selectors & Types
    • Child Selectors & Types
    • Sibling Selectors & Types
    • Pseudo Selectors & Types
    • Latest Selectors
  • All Properties
  • Introduction
  • Data types and data structures in Js
  • Control structures, if, if-else, while, for, switch case statements
  • Dynamic creation and manipulation of dom elements using js
  • Adding dynamic event listeners to dom elements
  • Event capturing and event bubbling.
  • Validations using key char codes.
  • Strings and predefined methods
  • Arrays
  • Predefined methods in arrays
  • Objects
  • JSON
Es6 – Es9:
  • History of Javascript
  • What is ES6
  • A word on bable
  • Block scope, let & const
  • Template literals
  • Arrow functions
  • Spread and Rest operators
  • Object literal improvements
  • Destructuring
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Static properties and methods
  • Promises
  • Iterators and Iterables
  • Generators
  • Modules
React JS:
Introduction to React:
  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • React version history
  • React 16 vs React 15
  • Just React – Hello World
  • Using create-react-app
  • Anatomy of react project
  • Running the app
  • Debugging first react app
Templating using JSX:
  • Working with React. createElement
  • Expressions
  • Using logical operators
  • Specifying attributes
  • Specifying children and Fragments
It’s all about components:
  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of components
  • Functional
  • Class based.
  • Pure Component
  • Component Composition
Working with State & Props:
  • What is state and it significance.
  • Read state and set state.
  • Passing data to component using props
  • Validating props using prop Types
  • Supplying default values to props using default Props
Rendering Lists:
  • Using react key prop.
  • Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements.
Event handling in React:
  • Understanding React event system
  • Understanding Synthetic event
  • Passing arguments to event handlers
Understanding component lifecycle and handling errors:
  • Understand the lifecycle methods.
  • Handle errors using error boundaries.
Working with Forms:
  • Controlled components
  • Uncontrolled components
  • Understand the significance to default Value prop.
  • Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element.
  • What is context
  • When to use context
  • Create Context
  • Context.Provider
  • Context.Consumer
  • Reading context in class
  • What are hooks
  • Why do you need hooks
  • Different types of hooks
  • Using state and effect hooks
  • Rules of hooks
Routing with React Router:
  • Setting up react router.
  • Understand routing in single page applications
  • Working with Browser Router and Hash Router components
  • Configuring route with Route component
Just Redux:
  • What is redux
  • Why redux
  • Redux principles
  • Install and setup redux
  • Creating actions, reducer and store
React Redux:
  • What is React Redux
  • Why React Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Presentational vs Container components
  • Understand high order component
  • Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage

Remember that this is a detailed outline and can be adjusted based on the duration of the course, the depth of coverage desired for each topic, and the level of expertise of the participants. Additionally, as technology evolves, new tools and practices might emerge, so it’s essential to keep the course content up-to-date to reflect the latest trends and best practices.

Can You Get a Job with Web Development Course ?

After completing Web Development Essentials certification training, an individual can gain skills such as coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, building responsive websites, understanding of server-side web development concepts, creating user-interface with Bootstrap and jQuery. Top companies hiring Web Development Essentials certified professionals include tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. Fast-growing startups like Slack, Shopify, and Uber also regularly hire web developers. Consulting firms like Accenture and Deloitte, and digital agencies also offer numerous opportunities. Potential sectors include finance, healthcare, and education as these industries also seek professionals with such expertise.

Learning Objectives:

Master Web Development with the expert-led training with real-life projects.

Get hands-on experience with 20+ industry related cases studies.

Mock exam and interviews.

Mentors from Top Global Product companies.

Guaranteed job support for freshers and professionals to start a great career in programming technologies.

Job oriented trainings with extra care taken to drive towards placements.

A Portfolio of Real-world Projects.

Course Features:

Course Duration - 70 Hours

Levels - All Levels

Language - English

1000+ Students

Full lifetime access

Job Assistance

Mentor Support

Who can Take this Course ?

Choose The Best

College Students those are interested to pursue their career as a Web Developer can take this program. This Program will help you get hired with attractive salary package after completing your college. This is the right time for you to utilize & learn as many skills that will help you in hiring as well as to get attractive salary.

This program will help you switch from your current domain to a Web Development. We had seen a huge number of working professional took this program & got amazing hikes, switched from boring jobs to a Web Development and even got 100% hike from their current salary.

Choose The Best
Benefits of Flair Technologies

100% Placement Support

Weekdays/Weekend LIVE classes

One-on-One with Mentors

Free Demo Classes

Industry Oriented Projects

Instructors are from MNC’s

Lab Sessions

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Designed by Industry experts

Recognized certification

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