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Python Fullstack Course Training

“Python Full stack” in the context of software development typically refers to the ability to work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of a web application. A Python full stack developer is proficient in both client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) technologies. In Python, you can become a full stack developer by gaining skills in with modern frameworks like Django, DRF and Flask etc…, Remember that the technology landscape is always evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest tools and frameworks is crucial. Also, consider building a few projects to apply your knowledge and showcase your skills to potential employers.

Why Chose Flair Technologies for Python Fullstack Course Training?

Industry Standard Curriculum

Every technology syllabus is tailored to meet current industry requirements.

Flexible Schedules

If you feel NOW is the right time, we got your schedule covered, Flexible schedules.

Placement Assistance

Along with course completion certificate, we assure you with guaranteed placement.


About Python:

Python is one of those rare languages which can claim to be both simple and powerful. You will find yourself pleasantly surprised to see how easy it is to concentrate on the solution to the problem rather than the syntax and structure of the language you are programming in.

Introduction to Python:

Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.

  • Easy to Learn
  • Free and Open Source
  • High-level Language
  • Object Oriented

Python Fullstack Development Course Outline:

Core Python:

  • History
  • Features
  • Setting up path
  • Working with Python Basic Syntax
Data Types Introduction:
  • Words order, unordered, sequential, non-sequential, mutable and immutable.
  • Introduction – List, Tuple, String, Dictionaries, Set, Frozenset.
  • Accessing – List, Tuple, String, Dictionaries, Set, Frozense.
  • Shallow and deep copy.
Conditional Statements:
  • If, If- else and Nested if-else.
  • For, While and Nested loops, for-else.
Control Statements:
  • Break, Continue & Pass.
  • Defining a function, Calling a function, Function Arguments, Global & local variables.
Higher order functions:
  • List, Dict, Generator Expressions/Tuple Comprehension.
  • Map, Filter, Reduce, Lambda (Anonymous functions).
File Operation:
  • Open and With open.
  • Printing on screen, Reading data from keyboard.
  • Json, Csv, xml, serialization.

Advance Python:

OOPs Concept:
  • Class
  • Object
  • Inheritance
  • Abstract
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
Liked Concepts:
  • Types of Methods (Instance, Static, Class)
  • MRO
  • __str__, __repr__, __call__, __new__, __init__
  • Operator Overloading
  • Descriptors (Property – setter, getter)
  • Module, package, Importing module
  • base64
  • OS, Sys, Path
  • Datetime
  • Collections
  • Argparse
  • Logging
  • Email sending
  • Pdb and ipdb
  • Subprocess
  • Async
  • Random
Exception Handling:
  • Exceptions and Exceptions Handling.
  • User Defined Exceptions.
  • Iterators, Generators, Closers, Decorators.
  • Thread, Starting a thread, Threading module, Synchronizing threads, Multithreaded, Priority Queue.
Regular expressions:
  • Match, Search, findall, split, sub and Patterns.
  • Introduction, Connections, Executing queries, Transactions, Handling error.


  • What is Django
  • Django and Python
  • Django’s take on MVC
  • How to get and install Django
Getting started with DJango (About core three files)
  • models.py
  • views.py
  • urls.py
  • Introduction to Migrations
  • Data Migrations
Django url patterns and views:
  • Designing a Good url Scheme
  • Generic Views
DJango Forms:
  • Form Classes
  • Validations
  • Authentication
Django and REST API’s:
  • DJango REST-API
  • DJango Piston
Unit Testing with Django:
  • Overview of Unit Testing
  • Using Python’s Unittest2 Library
  • Test
  • Test Databases
  • Doctests and Debugging best practices


Getting Started with Linux
  • Installing Linux (Dual Boot and Virtual Machines)
  • Basic Linux Terminology (Kernel, Shell, etc.)
  • Navigating the Linux File System
Basic Commands and Operations
  • Command Line Interface (CLI) Basics
  • Common Commands (ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, etc.)
  • File and Directory Operations
File Permissions and Process Management
  • Understanding File Permissions and Ownership
  • Changing Permissions and Ownership
  • Basic Process Management (ps, top, kill)
Package Management
  • Installing and Updating Software
  • Using Package Managers (apt, yum, etc.)
  • Understanding Repositories
Text Editing and Shell Scripting
  • Basic Text Editing with Nano and Vi
  • Introduction to Shell Scripting
  • Writing and Executing Simple Scripts
Networking Basics in Linux
  • Basic Networking Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat)
  • Configuring Network Interfaces
  • Understanding Firewalls and SSH
System Administration Basics
  • User and Group Management
  • Disk and Storage Management
  • System Monitoring and Logs
Security in Linux
  • Basic Linux Security Concepts
  • Secure Password Practices
  • Introduction to SELinux/AppArmor
Practical Exercises and Real-world Applications
  • Setting up a Simple Web Server
  • Creating Basic Shell Scripts for Automation
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues
Course Review and Further Resources
  • Review of Key Concepts
  • Pathways for Advanced Learning
  • Community and Online Resources


  • What is automation?
  • What is software testing?
  • What is selenium?
What is Webdriver:
  • Webdriver components
Webdriver for different browsers:
  • Configuring webdriver with different browsers
  • Configuring with webdriver_manager
What are locators:
  • Normal Locators
  • Custom Locators
  • Css Selector
  • Xpaths
  • Function in xpath
  • Axes
  • Textboxes
  • Radio button
  • Checkboxes
  • File upload
Select class:
  • Selecting dropdowns
Action chain:
  • Drag and drown
  • Keyboard actions
  • Mouse actions
Date picker:
Browser options:
  • Headless browser
  • Browser popups
  • Developer options
Window handling:
Alert popups:
Page Object model:

GIT - Version Control:

Introduction to Version Control
  • What is Version Control?
  • Overview of Git: History and Purpose
  • Git vs Other Version Control Systems
Setting Up and Configuring Git
  • Installing Git (Windows, Linux, macOS)
  • Basic Configuration: Setting up User Name and Email
  • Introduction to Git Interfaces (CLI, GUIs)
Git Basics
  • Understanding Repositories
  • The Three States: Modified, Staged, Committed
  • Creating Your First Repository
Git Operations and Commands
  • Basic Git Commands: init, add, commit, status, log
  • Understanding Commits and Commit Messages
  • Viewing Changes: diff and log
Branching and Merging
  • What is a Branch?
  • Creating and Switching Branches
  • Basic Merging and Handling Merge Conflicts
Working with Remotes
  • Understanding Remote Repositories
  • Cloning a Repository
  • Pushing and Pulling Changes
Collaborating with Git
  • Working with Others: Fetch, Pull, Push
  • Understanding Forks and Pull Requests
  • Collaborative Workflow Patterns (e.g., Feature Branch Workflow)
Advanced Git Features
  • Stashing Changes
  • Tagging Releases
  • Basic Rebasing
Undoing Changes
  • Reverting Commits
  • Resetting and Cleaning
  • Dealing with Mistakes
Using Git with Hosting Services
  • Overview of Services like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
  • Remote Repository Management
  • Introduction to Basic CI/CD Concepts
Best Practices and Tips
  • Writing Good Commit Messages
  • Keeping a Clean History
  • Branch Management Strategies
Practical Exercises and Projects
  • Setting Up a Personal Project on Git
  • Contributing to an Open Source Project
  • Collaborative Simulation with Peers
Course Review and Further Resources
  • Review of Key Concepts
  • Advanced Topics in Git (Submodules, Hooks)
  • Community and Online Resources


Introduction to Databases
  • Why Data Base ?
  • Importance of Databases in Computing?
  • Various types of data types?
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
  • Introduction to Relational Databases
  • Relational Algebra and Calculus
  • Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)
  • Normalization and Denormalization
SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • Advanced SQL Queries (JOINS, GROUP BY, HAVING)
  • Operators (IN, LIKE, ISNULL, Union)
  • Views, Indexes, and Triggers
  • Sub Queries (Inner Query & Outer Query)
  • Data Modeling using SQL
  • Analytical Functions (Rank, Dense_Rank, Partition by)
Database Design
  • Database Design Process
  • Functional Dependencies and Normalization
  • Designing Tables and Relationships
NoSQL Databases
  • Introduction to NoSQL Databases
  • Types of NoSQL Databases (Document, Key-Value, Graph, Column-family)
  • Comparison with Relational Databases
Database Management and Transactions
  • ACID Properties
  • Transaction Management
  • Concurrency Control and Isolation Levels

Remember that this is a detailed outline and can be adjusted based on the duration of the course, the depth of coverage desired for each topic, and the level of expertise of the participants. Additionally, as technology evolves, new tools and practices might emerge, so it’s essential to keep the course content up-to-date to reflect the latest trends and best practices.

Can You Get a Job with this Course ?

Yes, you can definitely get a job as a Python Full Stack developer. Many companies are actively seeking individuals with the skills to work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development, and Python is a popular language for building web applications. Remember that the job market can be competitive, but by showcasing your skills through a strong portfolio and demonstrating your ability to work on full-stack projects, you increase your chances of securing a Python Full Stack development job. Additionally, having a passion for learning and staying adaptable to new technologies will contribute to your long-term success in the field.

Learning Objectives:

Master Python with the expert-led training with real-life projects.

Get hands-on experience with 20+ industry related cases studies.

Mock exam and interviews.

Mentors from Top Global Product companies.

Guaranteed job support for freshers and professionals to start a great career in programming technologies.

Job oriented trainings with extra care taken to drive towards placements.

A Portfolio of Real-world Projects.

Course Features:

Course Duration - 100 Hours

Levels - All Levels

Language - English

1000+ Students

Full lifetime access

Job Assistance

Mentor Support

Who can Learn this Course ?

Python Full Stack development is accessible to a wide range of individuals, and anyone with the interest, dedication, and willingness to learn can pursue a career in this field. Here are some groups of people who can benefit from learning Python Fullstack Development: Freshers, Any Degree Holders Like B.E / B.Tech / M.Tech / BSC / B.Com  / MBA / MCA etc.., Beginners in Programming, Web Developers Transitioning to Full Stack, Computer Science Students, Self-taught Developers, Career Changers, Those Interested in Data Science and Analytics, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners, Freelancers and Remote Workers & Technology Enthusiasts.

Who can Take this Course ?

Choose The Best

College Students those are interested to pursue their career as a Python Fullstack Developer can take this program. This Program will help you get hired with attractive salary package after completing your college. This is the right time for you to utilize & learn as many skills that will help you in hiring as well as to get attractive salary.

This program will help you switch from your current domain to a Python Fullstack. We had seen a huge number of working professional took this program & got amazing hikes, switched from boring jobs to a Python Fullstack and even got 100% hike from their current salary.

Choose The Best
Benefits of Flair Technologies

100% Placement Support

Weekdays/Weekend LIVE classes

One-on-One with Mentors

Free Demo Classes

Industry Oriented Projects

Instructors are from MNC’s

Lab Sessions

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Designed by Industry experts

Recognized certification

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